Friday, September 16, 2011

A Leftist View of 9-11 - part 2

“Youth ages. Immaturity is outgrown. Ignorance can be educated, drunkenness sobered, but stupid lasts forever.” Aristophanes, 5th Century B.C.

Krugman’s piece (see Part 1) drew a lot of fire Monday and Tuesday…and Donald Rumsfeld publicly cancelled his NYT subscription describing Krugman’s piece as “repugnant.” I would have thought he had cancelled his subscription years ago.

The picture of Krugman with President Bush is a bit of a surprise, given the amount vitriol President Bush has endured from the man over the years. Krugman is a short man…about 5’7”. That old Randy Newman song is playing in my head about now.

Jousting recently with my 1965 Highlander Facebook former “friend” provided one useful thing…a window into the world he uses for his sources of “information.” It’s a collection of linked blogs and websites, possibly managed by many of the same people, most of them pretending to offer erudite opinions, but generally copying one another and stumbling over their own pretense. One only needs to read a couple of paragraphs to recognize the repetitive drivel.

It’s likely that these sites are feeding the growing outrage that tends to boil over on our streets in violent ways, for vague reasons. If you know why these gangs of vandals do what they do, you’re ahead of me. Anarchists, I think they call themselves. They do some damage, get their skulls cracked, are arrested and hauled away. When they’re done about all I’ve seen is the results of stupidity and bad behavior. Maybe that’s the point.

Anyway, if you are like me…relatively ignorant of aims of the far left, yet somewhat troubled by your ignorance…read on in Part 3.


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