Sunday, September 25, 2011

Saving the World

This is one of those examples I like to put together as an illustration of the "Theater of the Absurd" which is difficult keep up with these days. Nancy, a California gal, said she was trying the "save the world as we know it." Chester, a Texas gent, did save a big chunk of it.

Can you imagine what Admiral Chester Nimitz might have said if Nancy had corrected him as Barbara Boxer, another California gal, corrected a general some months ago when he respectfully replied, "Yes, Mam?" She wanted him to address her as, "Yes, Senator." One of them was rude, the other was not.

There is one substantial person in this picture.

German Chancellors

The picture of today's German Chancellor in her rain attire got me to thinking what she might look like juxtaposed with another German Chancellor most of us recall. Don't you wonder what is going on between those 4 ears? The book is written about what was going on between 2 of those ears, the other is still playing out and not likely to be nearly so dramatic. But could there again be an Adolf? Of course there could. Beware, my careful who you trust.

The rest of the story in this picture is interesting. The guy on the left was tried and hung; the one on the right was so morally certain of his mission that he shot himself in the head before he was given the chance to explain his performance...then hung.

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